Review: Max Payne (Movie)

Do not see Max Payne.

5 Responses to “Review: Max Payne (Movie)”

  1. movie fan Says:

    i suspect the storyline for Max Payne is a lot more exciting when it’s happening in the form of a video game…

  2. Carl Says:

    Really? I was ::this:: close to seeing it on Friday, but saw “W.” instead. No good? Not true to franchise?

  3. Dan Says:

    The movie does use the names, locations, look, and overall plot of the original Max Payne. Alas, it is executed poorly, and the (few) action scenes are mediocre.

  4. Red Recondite » Blog Archive » Max Payne Blog Spam: Investigative Report Says:

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  5. Remain_Anonymous Says:

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